Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fun Day with the Nordic Wolves

Today we were invited to go ski a few laps with the Nordic Wolves (the local youth ski club). It was cold and windy out, but there were a ton of smiles. The CRMS skiers were coaches for a day!

Zoe imparting her knowledge.

Molly inspiring the youth of America.

Linnea showing the kiddos how to skate, even though she just learned this year!

Future nordic racers!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

CHSAA #3-4: Leadville Pursuit!

I got in trouble today with one of the volunteers on the race course. She was a Leadville local and she kindly asked me how my day was going. I said, "The kids are racing, the skis are fast, and it's a beautiful day for Leadville!". Well, she took offense to that, as if I were implying that Leadville is not always a beautiful place to live. I clarified by saying, "What I mean is, I brought 8 jackets to this race and I am only wearing 2 of them."

So all town politics aside, we got lucky with a warm and clear day up in a place that is known for its brutal winter weather. In fact, it was so beautiful that I forgot my camera so there are no pictures.

But the kids did great. Ross was a little disappointed in his first leg and so he stepped it up and totally crushed the second leg to move up in the standings. Linnea had a smile on her face after her first race ever, and Molly and Hilary both skied hard to represent the Oysters on the trails. Zoe showed her potential and her fitness from fall running and put her mark high on the result sheet.

All in all, a great day. We stayed the night before the race at a B&B called "Mountain Hideaway". The owners, Ed and Peri, were super friendly and cooked us about 2oo pancakes in the morning. If you are ever in Leadville, stay there!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

EPIC! What a day.

–adjective Also, ep·i·cal.
1. noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style: Homer's Iliad is an epic poem.
2. resembling or suggesting such poetry: an epic novel on the founding of the country.
3. heroic; majestic; impressively great
4. of unusually great size or extent: a crime wave of epic proportions.

Today was the best day so far this season. Glorious blue skis, an up-valley breeze, and perfect temps. The snow is cold, dry, crystally, and smooth. We skied Finlandia under the great shoulders of Mount Sopris and the Elk Mountains and finished it all off with a game of "What Time Is It, Mr. Fox?". Epic. Thanks to the CRMS skiers for inspiring all of this: Ross, Mo, Molly, Zoe, Hilary, Catie, Linnea, and Jin-Yeop.

Another day in paradise.
Skiing! Love it!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

CHSAA #2: Summit

We went racing today in Breckenride at the Gold Run Nordic Center for our 2nd CHSAA race of the year. It was a 5K mass start skate race on a beautiful mountain day. This place is higher than 9,000 feet! Get your lungs burning. Zoe, Hilary, and Jin-Yeop were racing and did awesome against a huge field of Colorado's finest. It was great to see the black and silver suits out there in the midst. If you have never seen a mass start race, it is something to behold. More exciting than NASCAR, guarenteed. Another day in paradise.

The girls' start. What a crowd! You're lucky to make it through this in one piece. Zoe and Hilary nailed it!

Hilary in her first nordic race ever. She did awesome!

Jin-Yeop in the thick of it during the boys' start.

Relaxing pre-race. Nobody screws with the CRMS nordic team. A tough bunch of kids.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Following the plan---Rocky style.

The kiddos watching Rocky 4 during our first meeting of the second semester. Getting pumped for racing! Rocky would have made an excellent nordic racer. We race tomorrow!